Quality is also a matter of strategy and leadership

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To succeed we need leadership and this should not be discussed.
For a long time this issue is one of the most debated part of management.

According to Hill and Jones, strategic leadership requires five specific requirements that we analyze briefly:

  • Vision
    One of the first skill of the leader is to have a clear vision of the future of the organization. It 'an example to his colleagues and his personal commitment is a powerful signal throughout the organization.
    The leader of the organization does not propose a general track, but acts on the parts that seem unrelated, but which he sees as pieces of a mosaic
  • Be informed
    Knowing what is happening inside and outside the enterprise is very important: the leader develops a network of formal and informal information sources for a wide and timely knowledge of what is happening within the organization.
    Working closely with employees is the best way to know directly the problems: who stays away, confined to the top and protected by several levels of hierarchy, it is rarely a true leader
  • Ability to delegate
    The leader has a strong ability to delegate and give authority and power to those who must make decisions within the organization (empowerment).
    He knows that empowering employees is a means of motivation: it means to take decisions on who is best placed to deliver this. The manager must, however, maintain control over major decisions, so do not delegate the decisions of critical importance to the future success of the organization
  • Being politically astute
    According Wrapp, the leader makes shrewd use of his power. First create consensus: brings out the decisions as the leader of a colizione, not because of an authoritarian power.
    Second lugo, avoid engaging personally and publicly on a specific goal. Guiding the organization toward the goals he has in mind but it has very clear the futility of discounted statements like: "We want the maximum return on investment" or "want to be the first in the industry."
  • Managing Change
    The competitive business environment changes rapidly and strategies must be continaumente revised to take account of changing

A lot of pages have been written about leadership and two conclusions seem shared by all experts:

  • leadership is a birthright that is expressed in very different forms
  • leaders have strong determination to bring out the events that lead to their goals
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